Romanian Cheeses Romanian  Cheeses

In Romania, as in most countries around the world, cheeses are produced that are typical and characteristic.

We hope you find the cheese made in Romania that you're looking for. We have compiled all the traditional cheeses produced in Romania for you.

If you know of any cheese that is made in Romania and is not on this list, we would appreciate it if you let us know. We want to have the largest database of cheeses made in Romania in the world.

Here is the list of the 9 cheeses produced in Romania. Which one would you like to try?

  1. Brânza de Burduf
  2. Brânza în Bărbânţă
  3. Brinza
  4. Caș
  5. Caşcaval de Săveni
  6. Năsal
  7. Telemea de Ibăneşti
  8. Telemea de Sibiu
  9. Urdă

✓ Romania